same as diarrhea...when you finish leaving your diarrhea in the toilet, it resembles a funnel cake when its being cooked
my stomach was killing me last night, i had the shits all night and left many funnel cakes in the toilet
by ebjimmyg May 31, 2005
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A stiff, sharp pain in one's neck. Usually occurring after funneling several tasty beers.
Last weekend I funneled about 15 fresh beers and my neck's killing me. I'm fairly certain I'm suffering from Carpal Funnel Syndrome.
by siv73 October 25, 2010
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A yummy, crispy, warm funnel cake with ice cream, hot fudge, caramel or cherry syrup, and whipped cream.
Funnel cake sundaes are also known as "orgasm on a plate", "Jesus on a plate", and "heart attack on a plate"
by Aaron the funnel cake lover September 4, 2006
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when you feel the need to pull out a funnel to more efficiently lick the leftovers out of the woman anus, or pussy.
John got a good one on with christina.
by Kinky assmaster February 6, 2004
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the act of pooping in a funnel and spreading it out over a girl chest then you jizz on it.
so while im changing your oil would you like me to go get the funnel and give you burnt funnel cake?
by capt long schlong January 27, 2010
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A yummy crispy, warm funnel cake with ice cream, hot fudge, caramel or cherry syrup, and whipped cream.

Funnel cake sundaes are also known as "orgasm on a plate", "Jesus on a plate", and "heart attack on a plate"
by Aaron the funnel cake lover September 4, 2006
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