when a certain people playe like shit
this guy call john mark is really shit at csgo , when he plays with his frds its actually a clown fiesta
by toema September 26, 2019
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Sentinels during VCT Americas.
Did you hear Sentinels lost to KRÜ?

Isn't that the lowest ranked team in Americas? That's a real Clown Fiesta.
by spoof_cs May 14, 2023
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Proceedings of a long meal coupled with unlimited mimosas. Usually involving caucasians, asians, people of hispanic descent, some action amongst all, and lots of sleep after.
Man...we all ate so much, we need to go take a cockasian fiesta.
by Elvis D. August 17, 2006
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A large group of popular bitches.
Ex: today a bitch fiesta cut me in the lunch line.
by R33s32001 February 26, 2016
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When twelve Mexicans have sex with the same girl at the same time.
Hey bro I think your mom had a fiesta party last night. Look at all those people in her room.
by leatherneck43 July 23, 2014
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Chicken Fiesta is the PG way of saying clusterfuck
That PTA meeting was a real chicken fiesta.
by floobis August 23, 2019
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A lot of cum, like so much cum, cum everywhere. All you can taste is cum, all you can see is cum, hell you can even hear the cum. Also a typical reference when referring to a Bob Sutton defense.
Dylan could hardly walk after his all night encounter with Brendan’s shlong; it’s clear that they engaged in a Cum Fiesta.

Cody: “WOW the Kansas City Chiefs’ defense is really shitty.”
Brendan: “Bob Sutton really knows how to be apart of a Cum Fiesta.”
by JoceyJoce November 6, 2018
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