Haha, They're pretty shit.
Person 1: Who lost 72 - 0 to the Brisbane Broncos?
Person 2: Must have been the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs.
by Noah Joh November 23, 2021
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In refeference to an ugly person. Their face is said to look like a bulldog licking piss of a nettle. For short hand the words BPN may be referred to.
For example "Hey that girl is hideous."
"Yer what a BPN(Bulldog Piss Nettle)!"
by Jimmy Woods January 22, 2006
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The after-effects of pulling out too early during the sensual act of lovemaking.....
Yeah, Shazza made me pull out early and her snooch ended up looking like a bulldog eating yoghurt!
by Sir Fabsalot July 23, 2004
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when two thugs are going at it and attempt to make a helicopter by sucking cock while spinning.
Me and my homie performed the french bulldog twist last night, my mouth is still in shock.
by ThugOG May 11, 2022
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A phrase used to describe the appearance of female genitalia after unprotected sexual intercourse.
Fred: She wanted me to go down on her afterwards.
Jeff: Did you?
Fred: Hell no! It looked like a bulldog eating custard!
by Felgy March 10, 2008
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A mangled, or well used vagina; a sloppy slit; a whores cooter; a vagina containing excessive wrinkles....
Damn Becky's slit looked like a "bulldog eating a ham sandwich".
by Beerswizle October 16, 2003
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