People who usually voted Democratic, but have been taken in by the Bush administration's fear-mongering.
1)I thought my dad was going to vote for Kerry, but he turned out to be another 9/11 Republican.

2) Thanks to the 9/11 Republicans, we're stuck with G.W. Bush for four more years.
by kolohe61 April 25, 2005
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documentation of george bush's faults as a president, brilliantly produced, 100% fact
fahrenheit 9/11 is an account of truths
by Chase Gallagher June 16, 2006
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One of the greatest movies of all time. Just as good as Michael Moore's other classic, "Bowling for Columbine"
Puts the mistakes, flaws, and shortcomings of the Bush Dictatorship on display for everyone to see
Fahrenheit 9/11 exposes all of Bush's lies and has repeatedly stood up to rigorous fact checking.
by neocon killer October 31, 2004
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Bush Hating movie, exposing him for the prick he is
Anything hating bush is fine in my book
by ac July 14, 2004
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when a public figure blurts out the term "9/11" several times to the point where it becomes tourettes. Used recently by Jon Stewart on the "Daily Show".
Did you hear about Rudy? He has 9/11 touretttes.
Won't you 9/11 help us 9/11, because 9/11 is a terrible 9/11 to 9/11?
by Patrickkkkkk September 27, 2007
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2 handjobs spaced 17 minutes apart. Partial credit if she wears a burka. Full credit if you yell out 'Allah Akbar' when hitting the stride.
''It's September the 11th Maddie, you know what that means. Time for the old 9/11''
by Bradulf Pittler November 10, 2014
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Best damn movie I've ever seen. Michael Moore is a genius. I don't care what people say about him. He is bringing the facts to everyone. Bush is a lying bastard that started a war for oil profits. BURN BUSH!
by Karl Marx October 25, 2004
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