National Give your best friend a hug day is celebrated every year on September 27 . The idea of National Hugging Day is to encourage best friends to hug more often. Go hug your best friend they deserve it.
National Give your best friend a hug day is celebrated every year on September 27 . The idea of National Hugging Day is to encourage best friends to hug more often. Go hug your best friend they deserve it.
by Ava Lane September 26, 2021
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moving your fingers individually
one at a time in an up-down motion
continuously forming a handshake
with one of your best friends.
"there is no school next monday."
"three day weekend! give me a tinkle, bro!"
"what's giving a tinkle?"
"our secret handshake, duh!"
by maeve h. December 13, 2007
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to move your fingers one by one in an up-down motion continuously as a hand-shake with your best friends when something awesome happens.
"there's no school today!"
"what's giving a tinkle?"
"our secret handshake, duh."
by maeve h. December 13, 2007
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Irish slang term to describe giving someone a bit of a hard time, not always in a menacing way. Sometimes light heard.

See also, wind up; take the piss.
"Sher yer man is an awful scrote, so I give em a bitta stick. I took the piss outta him!!"
by ThebigBopper August 4, 2023
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A phrase used in a smash video (in the scene where you can understand what a dog is saying)
Hey! Give me the hot dog!
by Hawt sawce mi d00d May 13, 2017
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Nick is the type of guy to really put his all into helping you succeed in mental health and more. Vent to him and talk to him about ANYTHING, he doesn't judge and he's an overall great guy. It doesn't matter your age or how you look, find him online and he's got your back. He doesn't judge and he supports you through your all
Nick Gives Advice #2 is a great guy! (find him on snap if you need to vent or anything <3)
by WelcomePeeps! October 1, 2023
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