A Fake island that was on maps for the longest time for no known reason.
The only thing we guessed is that someone saw a big rock that has probably sunk by now in the water and a dude named it sandy island.
Sailor numero 1: Woah dude you see that?
Sailor numero 2: That big rock?
Sailor numero 1: Nah I think it's an island.
Sailor numero 2: Thats obviously a rock!
Sailor numero 1 : Ima name it sandy island and put it on the map.
Sailor numero 2: I can't deal with you sometimes.
Sailor numero 1: I know.
Sailor numero 2: Ugh.
by Moss rock January 4, 2023
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A furry stripper who enjoys their time watching porn and going on omegle to see bbc. Her favorite drink is milk and loves her furry ears
oh look at that girl she's like a 'island stew wart'
by Island stew fan July 24, 2021
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A very strange furry who have a large collection of furry ears and tails. If you look in their closet you will find at least 30 different animal costumes with about half with white stains. They have a fetish of ears, toes and pubes so make sure you keep those away from them. Their favorite drink is milk and there favorite food is cookies so If you have any on you they may potentially growl at you.
omg I saw a "island stew wart" the other day and she tried to like my toes. #staysafeguys
by Island stew fan August 1, 2021
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Rogue Island was a nickname for the U.S State Rhode Island in the 1770's, during the era of the United States before the Articles of Confederation were tossed out. Because the Articles required the approval of all thirteen states at the time in order to be amended, and Rhode Island would never agree to ratify any law (consequently, the Articles were never amended a single time), they became referred to as "Rogue" Island.
Rogue Island is basically the country equivalent of a spoiled child.
by Someone who kinda exists November 17, 2022
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A classic New York whore. Skilled in everything sexual.
Jim: I don't go for statin island trash
Tim:your fucking retarted
by Mister732 November 26, 2011
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The place where we live floating on an Oceanic Surface.
Grace told me that we live on a Continental Island. Fuck, she is right.
by HerDefiantMajesty[MSN] February 13, 2010
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like a Long Island Ice Tea but double shots of vodka,gin,rum,tequila....
Loz islands are known to cause blindness and dizzyness leading to cycle crashes and broken ankles.
Drink the Loz Island at your peril

can also cause the drinker to be scutted
went out last night on the Loz Island Ice Tea's..... got so scutted. TOP NIGHT
by Chiami dodger December 20, 2013
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