The boy/girl next door that thinks none of the other kids but him/her should have as much right to talk as him/her, which is why the Cartman next door never shuts the fuck up, but expects everyone else to. The Cartman next door always claims to want to give everyone a voice despite being the only one talking, thinking that they're all okay with somebody other than themselves being their own voices.
The Cartman next door likes to ridicule the other kids he/she is pretending to be friends with, though it's hard if not impossible to see how/why anyone would like or want to be friends with someone like the Cartman next door. He/she is as much of a loser as any other kid that he/she is always calling losers, and wants to look tough all the time, despite a lack of any real evidence that the Cartman next door waa ever tough at all.
by The Original Agahnim September 29, 2021
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A Door Monkey is a Door Lock and Pinch Guard used to clamp onto doors. It is a child safety product.
We need to get some Door Monkeys for our home to stop our toddler from getting into the rooms.
Bring the Door Monkey with you to grandmas house.
by Door Monkey Door Lock November 29, 2013
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When you want to humourously imply that take away rubbish, pizza boxes etc. can be thrown out of the car by holding the door ajar and sliding the boxes under the car. Has its origins in Northern England which had uncommonly high number of Golf ownership amongst young adults in the 90s.
Person 1: "What should I do with my pizza box?"
Person 2: "The car has German car door syndrome"
by Charles Visitor August 1, 2021
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People who stand in small public spaces such as hallways or doors, and block the way of other people, often while talking to friends or on their phone. Especially prevalent in schools where students walk to different classes on the campus.
Student 1: Everybody was stopped for a minute when I arrived at the classroom. What happened?
Student 2: Ah it was just another of those door goblins fucking everything up.
by CapitalistDwarf July 12, 2020
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A common creature that likes to hinder doors, sideways and any other busy or crowded areas in general. When asked to step aside, the tend to ignore the request, sometimes on purpose.
It seems that the best weapon againts this beast is a solid shove.
Move or I move you, you stupid door goblin, you're blocking the way.
by Tumamafat July 12, 2020
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when y about to smash yo girl in the ass and she won't let it in
my girl made a pirate door om me
by JULEMAND666 January 23, 2018
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A method of sucking your own dick where you sit upside down against a door and open it to force yourself into an acute dick-sucking angle
“I just saw this video on Reddit where a gu—”
“I want to suck my own dick and cum in my gullet
door method
by sloupey April 10, 2023
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