White poeple who short lace (laces are loose) their jordans are homofobic, racist and facist scum
Wow cool you have short laced jordans, ur such a racist
by SocialjusticewarriorLGTBQ+ November 11, 2021
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what happens when you eat something so HOT, you feel like your sinuses have fallen out your head and on to your shorts.
Joe to Steve: What out man, you'll get sinus shorts if you eat that habanero soaked breakfast taco.
Lindsay to Cassie: We went out for Indian last night & Joe got the 4 star spice dish- that fool gave himself a serious (and awkward) case of sinus shorts.
by LunaBearRuns October 12, 2010
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On February 6, anyone under 5'6 will be given a chance to not get dominated by tall people for one day. For those over 5'6, expect roasts about your foot long neck.
Boy 1: 'I heard she was 4'11.'
Boy 2: 'Don't hang around her because it's National Short People Day.'
by nonrupt October 21, 2021
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Derogatory Australian slang to describe a mentally challenged Rugby League football player who struggles to communicate outside of a series of umms and ahhs or pre-rehearsed stock phrases from the Rugby League lexicon.
Upon watching an interview with an NRL player:

"Mate, that bloke is a tackle short of a set of six".
by Semaj Snosrap September 25, 2020
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When a guy is lacking in the pants. When he has a small penis, like a tiny dogs snout.
Person 1: How was your Tinder date the other night?
Person 2: It was ok, he was a little short in the snout though.
by MrsGiblets August 16, 2020
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