this phrase is another way of saying “ The great depression” which lasted from 1929-1939. A 10 year period of economic downturn with high unemployment rates.
The business depression was a terrible time for the U.S economic
by luh ven July 23, 2023
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Miaa is depressed and 13, and she's in 7th😢😢😼😼, and we celebrate "Miaa's depression" on June 30<333😼

by 👻Diego V.👻 October 31, 2020
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A new disorder whereby the losing candidate of the election experiences deep depression, grieving, mental anguish, anger, hysteria, disbelief, and in some extreme cases suicidal depression or homicidal tendencies and physical assault directed towards the winning candidates, their party and its members.
Candidate Shane Bloke dived deep into Post Election Depression soon after losing the local government elections.
by Facetious is me April 23, 2020
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June 9th is the day where you have to send someone with depression nudes to try to make their day
hey wanna see something to make your day better bc its national cure someones depression with nudes day
by Gerson755 June 8, 2020
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The existential crisis that occurs after nutting
Friend 1: I just jerked off and now I’m sad
Friend 2: bro I think you’re suffering from post-nutal depression
by ThePropertyBrothers November 3, 2019
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Any of several genetic and epigenetic causes of depression and potentially other mental health symptoms. A depression biotype is the underlying cause of the patient's depression and/or other mental health symptoms.

90 percent of all depressed individuals fall into one or multiple of four biotypes: undermethylation, overmethylation, pyrrole disorder and copper overload.

All depression biotypes are treatable under the Walsh Protocol with vitamins and other nutrients along with specific diets to improve and alleviate symptoms.
The key to fixing your depression is testing to learn your depression biotype or depression biotypes.
by Lawayne June 16, 2020
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