1. The story to a form of media (books, movies, video games, etc)
2. Titties
1. Morrowind has a phenomenal plot
2. I watch anime for the plot
by Lord_ Cocken_of_Dongshire August 28, 2022
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person1 "This show has the same amount of plot as High school DxD"

person2 "IK"
by I_speak_the_true February 22, 2022
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When a character in a television show, film, video game, etc. has good "features" one can refer to it as the "plot".
We watch this movie for the plot.
Damn that's some nice plot.
by Zoom_Valt November 10, 2020
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People love oversized tits. Typically used by weebs and very horny individuals
you: oi mate y'saw the new hentai?
your mate: aye mate, the PLOT was amazing.
by SteveGremory October 20, 2021
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People Like Over-sized Tits
plot It can be refereed to as boobs too.
When you watch with your friend anime and you see tiddies. You can say, "Damn, the anime is full of plot".
by leakoni January 18, 2019
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