Abbreviation for "like back." Most commonly seen in the comments section on celebrity Instagram accounts, put there by their delusional fans who think they can actually get a like back/get noticed. Also used by those annoying Instagram "models" in an attempt to gain new followers and/or more likes on their FitTea promotional posts.
Kardashian Fan #1: Omg! I just commented "lb" on Kylie's IG, I really hope she notices me!
Regular Person: Shut the fuck up.
by LBhater December 26, 2016
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Like Back
LB my post on insta
by AI Goalies April 23, 2018
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LB's are usually really loyal, as well as really funny. Most of the time they care for your feelings no matter how they act. Definitely not a simp and seem to be very smart when it comes to what they say and do (most of the time)
Majority of LB's are huge weebs or just play a bunch of video games, or even both. They're either super tall or just average height and strong + fast. Everyone knows who they are since they're just that cool. They're extremely chill and pretty kind, so act the same for them! Once you meet one, lb will be one of the greatest guys you've met
you should definitely have an lb in your life
by pixieforest March 25, 2021
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Me: lmfao he blocked me cuz ah that LB
Sam:what’s an “LB”
Me: ah little bitch
by Carmenthadub January 14, 2019
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Oh do you see Mike over there, yeah he is a lb
by Ethan lb December 29, 2020
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A kitty nigga. he's bick nice and good-hearted. He'll take yo girl with his gorgeous looks, and make you sad. If he yo nigga, he got you back no matter what. You can depend on him, for anything. When it comes to fights, he got hands don't sleep on him, or he'll make you sleep.
Damn, that nigga bick, he a LB
by LB is bick October 15, 2017
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