A clumsy girl. She often has the desire to get revenge on those who are mean. She is a trustworthy friend but once you're not her friend anymore her/his back is turned.
"Watch out it's a Kawaii poto!"
"Oh geez man that's one Kawaii poto!"
by Anasliye ANON November 10, 2017
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A kawaii goose is a goose that acts like it has its own anime. Then it proceeds to make you apart of it.

(Look out for gooses with sparkly eyes and lipstick)
Person 1: "Hey, isn't that..."
Person 2: "A KAWAII GOOSE! RUN!!!"
Kawaii goose: "Come back!!!"
by coolkidthatiscool May 2, 2022
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when some stupid californian blonde girl has a japanese phase. she usually buys tons of anime and hello kitty merch. she becomes oli london and gets her eyes slitted
did you hear rebecca is a kawaii impersonator. i hope she kills her self
by Zer0sec February 24, 2022
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a term made up by CrankThatFrank ; after emo stage and you turn you tumbler and anime
by w4rcr0w43 March 26, 2017
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When an Anime girl has a small, white fang that shows off whenever she smiles or yells. Kawaii Fang usally appears on tsudere waifus and lolis. Girls like Natsuki from Doki Doki .Literture Club have a Kawaii Fang
Natsuki's Kawaii Fang is super adorable! This is why she's my waifu
by Binweevils lover69 May 9, 2018
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When an Anime girl, usally a tsundere show off a small fang when she talks/smile, that for some reason is considered to be cute. Also, usally it's the only type of teeth you will see on Anime girls.
Sensible person: "WTF, why does that girl has only one fang in her mouth?! Where is the rest of the teeth?
Weeabo: "it's called Kawaii Fang and it's cute!"
"Sensible person: "what
by Binweevils lover69 May 9, 2018
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Sexy mind fucking bumble mixed with a little sexual butterfly. And loves when it is called Snowball. It is into tree sex and never regrets.
by VenHayz March 22, 2015
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