A practice common in Chicago or Boston winters, in which one puts his/her kitchen chairs, potted plants, or any other object to reserve a parallel parking spot which he or she has cleared of snow.
While looking for parking in the snow storm I saw an open spot, but then I noticed someone was dibsing it with their lawn chairs.
by MisterTissue February 16, 2007
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Dibsed; The art of calling "dibs."
A past-tense reference.
I dibsed that essay topic.
by thatgracebxtch November 4, 2013
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When you stick your dick in your sisters pussy to get it wet, so you can roll it in your nans ashes for her to suck off.
She let me give her a Cornish Dib-Dab last night
by Cornish Lover September 7, 2022
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A word used to describe someone as a dip shit but they don't deserve correct spelling because they are a dib jit.
Jamal: Johnny, you're so small! laughs*
Johnny: Fuck you, you dib jit.
by TheWhiteSwan June 24, 2021
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Dipping your balls in a dead persons ashes.
Lol I jus sherbet Dib dabbed Ben's gran
by SATNERP October 30, 2020
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