Collinder police
The pastafarians were caught by the CP
by The Bean Bird June 15, 2018
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in Asian countries, cp stands for couple, which is the same as a 'ship' in Americas
you might see "cp雜食、左右非固定" in people's twitter bios. this directly translates to "cp omnivore, left/right unfixed"
this is slang to say they ship multiple pairings, and don't mind who tops or bottoms in them (they use left/right to mean A/B or top/bottom, referring to the two people in the ship)
"why does it say CP in this person's bio? are they a pedo freak?"
"no, but you are a western idiot"
by destroyafteruse February 20, 2023
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community platform
often used in multiplayer video-games
dude! the cp is down.
by miabeku June 6, 2017
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A: i really want some cp
B: Child porn?
A: No, cock penis you dumbass!
by CP_lover June 2, 2022
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"yo mike cp or comp?"
"man i love my comp by cps are wayy better"
by imlostinthefacade August 4, 2021
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damit ist gemeint du hast einen coolen penis zb du hast aber einen coolen cp boy
by teamroyal April 19, 2018
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