There's lady killer, then there is something known as a babe slayer.
One step above lady killer. Able to get any female he or she wants. A heartbreaker of the highest caliber. If women were dragons he/she would be the one to slay them.
"You heard about the freshman that bagged that hot senior who acts like a stuck up bitch?"

"Yeah, he's such a babe slayer"
by Babe Slayer Yuri j July 2, 2014
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After a baseball player made a good play, they'd get a little hum babe from the team
by Badger-Bee January 13, 2012
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Amazing baseball player who hit mammoth homeruns. whoever wrote the entry about him being a fatass and having only one skill, go look at his pitching statistics.
He is also the red sox's biggest mistake further proving that the red sox suck.
Barry Bonds may have hit a 715th homerun but hes still no babe ruth!
by dan June 18, 2006
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A girl that's super hot, but, because she's under 18, society obliges you to not acknowledge her sexiness else be called a pedophile.

tl;dr Synonym for jailbait.
Bro, the future babes at the pool today were ridiculous.
Kelsey is a total future babe. Too bad she's only 16.
by Xavier Charles Freeman April 19, 2016
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A temporary state whereby one's motor skills are severe impeded by the need to spontaneously interact with an extraordinarily attractive women.
Jon, suffered a bout of babe paralysis, rendering him a blabbering idiot when he turned and bumped into Olga, a Miss World finalist, at the airport in St. Petersberg.
by WarpFactorFive October 14, 2011
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a clean boy who might come to u as gay or too serious

is sexii but may look like ur brother

has a good sense of style
maybe cocky cause he walks with his head up high
usually has an ugly best friend with an icebox shaped head
I saw gabe the babe in the hallway with his friend who has the icebox head.
by stalker1995 October 24, 2009
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when a person is just too sexy for words. and the only way to describe how yummy they are is babe and a half
damn. that jacob is so fly tonight, he is just lookin like a total babe and a half.
by tessa:) August 5, 2008
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