A cringey girl who’s weird and embarrassing. She usually would have an odd choice of fashion (pattered leggings, neon yoga pants, toe socks, etc)
“Do you know know that one girl who always wears pink leggings?”
“She’s such a pee pee girl
by Ho-ah April 13, 2020
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A name u call a douche bag that is acton like a douche bag
Hey dip shit quit being a pee pee vagina so i can go to the movies.
by 6969696969 March 6, 2007
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Permission for a man from his wife/girlfriend to attend an activity without her.
He can go fishing with the guys if he gets a pee pee pass from his wife.
by MrFreeman88 March 2, 2004
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A phrase that fucking idiots in Yahoo! chat, more specifically the chatroom Providence:1 use. Not everyone in this room are idiots, it's mainly just the people who came from The Bored Room and Whatever, also some of the idiots may have came from the Down South and Teen Talk:1 or Teen Talk:5.
by Yahooer August 22, 2006
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another name for a mattress protector that prevents the leakage of urine from reaching the mattress. A pee-pee protector is often crunchy when it is dry, and not as crunchy when it is wet.
Guy: ugh, my pee-pee protector is soaked. I need a clean one.

Girl: Why is it soaked?
Guy: Because I peed.
by DABM Dictionary January 5, 2021
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The 2nd most hardest, most gangster, most brutal insult .....
.......To anyone under the age of 6

*Other variations of this include Wee Wee Pants but the lack of triple alliteration makes less effective and Piss bitch/boi but that is not toddler vocabulary*
mean 4 year old: "I know you are, you said you are, so what am I?"
hardest 5 year old on the pg: "You're a Pee Pee Pants"
by Zenagon May 12, 2021
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What some girls call a restroom. The room usually consists of a toilet used for relieving myself .
-I have to pee so bad

-Go to the pee pee room
-will you come wit me
by Anonymous girl 1222 December 25, 2018
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