See Terrorist. A hypocritical anti- cruelty to animals organization who are also anti-human as they like to compare many lower lifeforms to humans. They are also willing to set aside their not killing animals to save their own damn skin.
See Penn & Teller Bullshit for the whole story on those jackasses...
by Zero May 19, 2004
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Cigarette made of marijuana or haschisch, usually mixed with tobacco and having a cardboard filter in the Spanish style. Joint.
Hazte un peta, tío! Roll a joint, man!

by fonsucu June 10, 2008
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A company that speaks wrong and kills animals, claims milk gives autism. does the opposite thing
Guy 1: yo im gonna drink some milk
Guy 1: dude are you f***ing stupid? its our source of calcium!
by Someoneyoufoundhere April 2, 2021
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You pass the peta.
by Jpegeg280 September 27, 2018
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A girl who is kind to everyone except stupid people..this means u.
She loves children and pretty girls especially ones called Meeks.
She seems shy but maybe she just don't wanna talk to u.
She is the best girlfriend a girl can have and she will give her all.
If u piss her off
Best aunt your kid could have.
Mum, can I hang with aunt Peta, she can relate and likes to hang even with me

Peta is my girl, Meeks
by Ray Stevie Charles June 25, 2020
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Peta is run by cunts who think eating meat makes you a member of the KKK, drinking milk makes you a white supremacist, throwing red paint on people and insulting Steve Irwin.
Hey Peta had less than a 1% adoption rate in 2014 because they killed most animals they kidnapped, they stole a dog from a homeless blind man and lure animals from homes take them by saying they are neglected then euthanize them.
by Casandshail January 25, 2020
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