a blue haired alcoholic that would rather play Fortnite instead of being a normal husband
Ninja is a fag
by LilPumpHater May 16, 2019
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A famous Fortnite streamer whom has passed away due to a rare diesease known as "Ligma".
- Why is Ninja not streaming today?
-Have you heard on the news? He died of Ligma.
by stupidstickman September 28, 2018
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Ninja was a fortnite streamer until he tragically died of ligma in the middle of one of his streams there is a common streamer who took his name and his legacy and very few know the original Ninja is dead.
Bro it's so tragic that Ninja died of ligma.
by British Lol (Overwatch) November 14, 2018
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A fortnite streamer and virgin that died from ligma or suckma
by Awesome5367261 January 2, 2020
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A substitute word that white people can use instead of saying "nigga".
What is up my ninja?
This my main ninja
ninja please
by G788 May 6, 2007
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A Japanese word commonly mispronounced by Americans. See karaoke see karate
Ninja is pronounced Neen-Jah.
by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 20, 2005
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In old japenese times, a mysterious, cloaked man, (or woman) who killed in the shadows, using stealth as their key weapon. In today's society, the choice "Which is better: Pirate Or Ninja?" is known almost everywhere.
"That ninja just totally OWNED that pirate!"
by V3nom May 26, 2007
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