1. An Oxy-moron related to the environment (e.g. Fast Prius, Fuel-Efficient Hummer)

2. Someone who goes to drastic measures to save the environment (e.g. Not turning on any lights, Reducing showers)
Definition 1: "A Hummer Hybrid? Thats an Eco-moron!"

Definition 2: "Sheila flushes her toilet only Once a Day! She's such an Eco-moron!"
by Deck! January 2, 2009
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Company or a corporation run by morons. It's a place where people create rules and regulations because they're power tripping instead of actually making any real improvements to the company.
Tom: Dude, you won't believe what happened at work today?

Jimmy: What?
Tom: They blocked access to Facebook and bunch of other sites.
Jimmy: Morons Inc.
by moronsinc March 31, 2016
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A general term for a member of the public who is forgetful and stupid
Look at that joe moron who's left their phone on the bar!
by Panda man May 20, 2014
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The Moron Factor is a gauge for level of incompetence, stupidity and idiocy that you can be surrounded with on a daily basis.

If the Moron Factor is high it means that you are surrounded by complete idiots who do not know their ass from their elbows. When there is a low Moron Factor competence reigns and life is mellow.

Elevated levels of the Moron Factor can also occur periodically (usually temporarily) through the excessive use of alcohol or other party favors.
The Moron Factor is extremely high today and I am surrounded by complete idiots.

If there is a high Moron Factor, it is very difficult to soar with eagles because you are surrounded by turkeys.

A high Moron Factor is often found in government and in upper management.

If the Moron Factor were any higher, we would be passing out straight jackets.
by joerockhead November 23, 2013
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The Moron Maneuver; an act where someone who believes they have something to prove - usually an adolescent male - performs a moronic and reckless act infront of their peers. During this maneuver the person manages to look like a dickhead and severely injure themselves at the same time. This act is usually preceded by the thoughtless and dangerous words; "You wanna bet?"
Example 1.
Guy 1: "Oi bro, reckon I can jump from this balcony to that one?"
Guy 2: "No way, you'll totally fuck it up!"
Guy 1: "You wanna bet?"

Example 2.
Guy 1: "Dude did you see Niko fuck up that jump?"
Guy 2: "No, what did he do?"
Guy 1: "It was a total Moron Maneuver, he jumped one trolley, then tried to jump two put together."
Niko: "Guys I think I fucked my wrist up."
by Lucky.M May 19, 2011
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two words in a phrase that are opposites
millitary intellegence

canadian army

british honor

honor among thieves

living dead

jumbo shrimp

51. Friendly Fire
50. Act naturally
49. Found missing
48. Resident alien
47. Advanced BASIC
46. Genuine imitation
45. Airline Food
44. Good grief
43. Same difference
42. Almost exactly
41. Government organization
40. Sanitary landfill
39. Alone together
38. Legally drunk
37. Silent scream
36. British fashion
35. Living dead
34. Small crowd
33. Business ethics
32. Soft rock
30. Military Intelligence
29. Software documentation
28. New York culture
27. New classic
26. Sweet sorrow
25. Childproof
24. "Now, then ..."
23. Synthetic natural gas
22. Christian Scientists
21. Passive aggression
20. Taped live
19. Clearly misunderstood
18. Peace force
17. Extinct Life
16. Temporary tax increase
14. Plastic glasses
13. Terribly pleased
12. Computer security
11. Political science
10. Tight slacks
9. Definite maybe
8. Pretty ugly
7. Twelve-ounce pound cake
6. Diet ice cream
5. Rap music
4. Working vacation
3. Exact estimate
2. Religious tolerance

And the Number one top OXY-Moron . . .

1. Microsoft Works
by shawn im so kool October 23, 2005
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A person who abuses the system on Urban Dictionary,by doing any of the following things:

1.Writing definiations for the purpose of causing offence to a person or people

2.People who make up words in five seconds and put them on Urban Dictionary to try and pass it off as common slang

3.People who give definitions on Urban Dictionary the thumbs-down,even though the definition is absoloutely true.
Dude,WTF is up with you?Why'd you give that soad def the thumbs down?Soad DOES stand for System of a Down!Jesus,you're such a UD moron!
by Never-you-mind October 18, 2007
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