Usually a whore. She takes pride in sleeping with many guys; desperate for attention and someone to love her. Will do anything for that attention, even steal another girl's boyfriend. Manipulative with the men. When guilty she will act innocent at every angle and have others fight her battles. Usually a little over weight, smelly, and unattractive as hell without make up. Personality wise: she can be dry, annoying, self conceited, and shallow. Beware before you get involved with this one!
Giovoni: Kaylee tried to sleep with me last night, but she was so disgusting I couldn't even get it up!

Ricardo: Damn, I warned you about her.
by Piranhara July 6, 2011
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When you send tikkies to everyone when they do anything at all.
Kaylee "Do you want me to drive you there"
Bas "Yeah, sure"

~The next day~

Bas "Kaylee just send me a tikkie voor gas"
by Thomahaw May 6, 2020
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Kaylee is a very shy and quiet girl, but when she's with her best friends, she's anything but that! Kaylee's tend to be athletic and competitive. They aren't girly and they hate the color pink. Not really the type to date, but when they do, they stay loyal and try to make the other person as happy and content as possible. She has a beautiful smile, usually brown/blue eyes with brown hair. If anyone of her friends is mad or upset, she will hunt down the person that did it and beat the shit out of them. They aren't very tall, but they can beat anybody up if they mess with her. She listens to music a lot, and prefers to be alone and in the dark. Overall, Kaylee's are the best and if you ever meet one, don't ruin it! A lot of girls wish they were Kaylee. She is a great teacher and will do anything to keep her friends safe and happy.
Person 1: Dude, I just met this girl named Kaylee and she is so awesome!

Person 2: I know! And have you seen how cute she is?! I love everything about her!
by She_whowill_ not be_named January 18, 2020
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Girl:look at her, her hair is purple
boy:she must be a kaylee
by brittanagleek#1 October 29, 2019
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It's a Kaylee. Mean and a whore. Is manipulative. If you see a Kaylee, walk the other way. You don't want to hang out with a freak like that! Confused by the word "Rhino," so if you see a Kaylee, and/or walk into a Kaylee, say "Rhino" and walk away. *RUN away.
You with a Kaylee


by That one guy you may or may no January 22, 2014
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Blonde hair and blue eyes are the worst. Usually she will walk around in revealing clothes and tell people shes done so much with guys but really, shes only touched a lil asian dick with one hand! HA! Pretty much shes a ugly ugly girl and has no real life. She likes to think shes a slut to feel important but really shes not.

She is a back stabbing bitch and will choose her fake ass friends over her life time ones. So watch out. She also will get mad at you for no reason and then make up a huge story to get all her other "friends" to hate you.

She has some serious self esteem issues and turns to "cutting" to solve them. Its all for attention considering they look as if she uses a butter knife, no one really cares.

To all girls about to befriend or are already friends with a blonde haired blue eyed kaylee, stay clear! She talks about all of you behind your backs.

PS she treats her real family like crap too, her mom even conferms shes a bitch. < sad!
Kaylee: you talked be hind my back and we cant be friends anymore
betrayed friend: okay well im sorry (though i shouldn't be)
(few mins later)
*via text*
kaylee: haha what a dumb bitch she totally deserves this, good thing i have you guys, but im sooooo depressed now
friend: awww bby! shes just hurting you

^munipulative BITCH
by HurtandBetrayed August 2, 2011
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A depressed hore who loves money and likes older men.
Omg. Did you see Kaylee's new daddy?
by Brooke.11039 November 3, 2019
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