Low-town king.
by Lmfaoyourmother November 21, 2021
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The idiot trump supporter who doesn't know how to take care of kids and always miss-pronounces words and constantly talks about how great trump is. she's such a stubborn idiot.
Person 1: Hey, jocelyn... i will cater to your every command while you pretend to be smart...

Jocelyn: Ok, Thanks for being optimistic, i get my way every time! GIMME A BEER!!!!!!!!!!
by StinkyTheHobo November 5, 2020
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The nicest hottest most bouge person you will ever meet. She is so kind and pretty. You will fall in love with her at first sight.
Jocelyn your beautiful.

Jocelyn I love you.
Jocelyn is my soulmate.

Jocelyn has a cousin named Evan that loves skating.
by Jocelyn~~ November 30, 2021
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A name that derives from Josselin, a locality in Brittany, France, and was introduced to England after the Norman Conquest. It can be a surname or a first name. It is also a unisex name, however, recent trends in baby names shows it leaning towards female.

Also a popular girl in Merced who has zero self-confidence despite every guy on the floor being into her. Also forgets to prioritize stuff, such as school.
Friend 1: Let's go out tonight.
Friend 2: Don't you have a dissertation to complete? Stop being such a Jocelyn.
by HydrogenNMR November 23, 2021
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She’s the most beautiful female you’ll ever meet, very giggly, sensitive, loving, caring, quiet but if you get to know her she’s fun, she keeps her circle pretty small, and although short, she makes up for it by her huge personality. she will always help and be there for you during the best and worst of times. she’s without a doubt the light at the end of the tunnel once you meet her she’ll be all you ever think about even if she isn’t yours you will be willing to do anything just to hold her in your arms jealousy will overcome you the second you see her with someone else she rejects a lot of guys so if you ever get the chance to make her yours show her how much you love her, times will get tough but don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of your relationship try and work things out with her just don’t mess it up, you will undoubtedly regret it because there may be thousands of girls but none will ever love you as much as she does nor will they be as perfect as her.
-i’ve never seen you like this
- it’s Jocelyn man she’s just perfect
- well you better hurry before someone else takes her
by Loveall143 November 21, 2021
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