Used for people named Jason that cant shut the fuck up.
Some random person named jason: Hi!
Person 2: Shut the fuck up you hum.
by Amb04hockey September 27, 2023
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Guy: *Farts*
Guy: what?
by GrandmaSherry October 8, 2018
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Meaning go. Cheering for your team.
Oh the Red Devils lost? Well yeah… Hum Bruins.
by Hamsandwihc March 21, 2023
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A made-up saying that has no actual meaning or translation. However, it has recently been used as a synonym for "I'm gay".
Son: "Dad, I have to talk to you about something."
Father: "What is it, son?"
Son: "Hum Beb."
by Huff 'n Doback November 5, 2019
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An individual who annoys everyone within a 10 mile radius of him and is unable to understand basic human communication skills
by qawsed69 October 22, 2020
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when you suck dick, hum, and play the ukulele at the same time
My girl did a lil bit of Hum n' Strum last night.
by bluey-sempai August 27, 2021
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