Da body of literary fiction recounting da adventures of Theodore Tugboat and his friends.
Many of da stories in Da Brothers Grimm's book were morbid and violent; I much prefer da modern-day ferry tales, where everyone generally makes an effort to get along and work together.
by QuacksO September 5, 2022
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One who is afraid to run in the rain (and walk fast up hills).
Stop being such a Ferris and get up here!
by Nate John June 16, 2021
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Defined as “supposed” friend who rsvp’s to a social event and then does not attend with no explanation.
Ferris was a total sell out for our Christmas party.
by Super duper cool person December 20, 2018
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A expression for the Northern Coast of Ohio, were tourists binge drink until it's time to get on the ferry to travel from the islands to the mainland and sober up.
Me: I've been day drinking all weekend.
Him: It's time to get on the ferry.
by Monica Kiryakov January 24, 2018
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A individual who has high levels of autism and is below the height of 5’5.
Look at that guy running away with all those kids what a Robert ferry.
by Charliehhhgfgj February 16, 2022
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A ferry service in Sydney Australia that travels from Circular Quay to Manly and back. The service was formerly operated by 4 Freshwater class ferries: Freshwater, Collaroy, Queenscliff and Narrabeen. However an evil man known as Andrew Constance decided to get rid of the iconic Freshwaters and replaced them with smaller, foreign built GEN 2 Emerald class ferries. However due to how fucking brain dead Constance is the Emeralds broke down multiple times with in weeks of starting due to them being cheaply made in china. Since then Freshwater, Collaroy and Narrabeen have been put back into service and the Queenscliff has been sadly left to rot on Cockatoo Island. The whole situation shows how little the NSW government actually cares for the quality of transport in NSW.
I caught the Manly Ferry from Circular Quay!
by Notakneegrowth December 31, 2022
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This action is where u get ure desired partner to squirt animal poo all over u from a

Water gun
She then proceeds to rub the poo all over the balls

After this she slowly licks the poo off like a lizard to make u clean
Omg that rock ferry birdbath was so cool I am so clean
by Tobz September 6, 2021
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