An insult worse than "ur mom gay", "ur dad lesbian", "ur granny tranny", "ur brother ur mother", and "ur sister a mister" once this is said to the victim him and all others associated with him implode.
Justin: Ur mom gay

Logan: No u

Justin: ur granny tranny

Logan: aye man calm down

Justin: Fucc u nigga

Justin: Ur niece i feast

Logan: *implodes*
by Asahayta March 20, 2018
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(Verb) Gang rape by a group of African-American males
Person who haveth been gangraped: Dude something happened
Other person: What?
Person who haveth been gangraped: I got chocolate feasted by 5 guys
by Vaacif January 23, 2018
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A collective of females lay horizontally on the ground as one man performs oral felatio on them.
Sorry I cant make dinner I have my Moravian Love Feast to attend.
by Tim Lard December 12, 2021
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When dog ass niggas fuck around and break a lady wolfs peace. .

When dog aSS niggas literally and subconciously disrespect the game and a real nigga feed the hand that bit their soul to the core MY HIGH COME DOWN AND THEY TABLESS BURN.



When u use a nigga lingo and a nigga felt his intentions.

"Enjoy the beast" = "FEAST ---



by APRIL TUFU'SS July 31, 2023
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this is the entire month of may where all evil celebrate their evil and all they did year long, and feast on any foods they want, even human babies and even have sex with them. a lot of people try to have babies in the month of may so their babies will be super evil. they tell their stories and they learn from each other and become even more greater and do it every year. they even kidnap babies to keep them until they grown up and just fed them what they want to feed them so they can drain all their blood to drink at this feast every year. to eat human babies. eat baby fruits off the trees, and baby animals instead of letting them grow up and mature and produce more meat...they love how tender and soft and juicy the flesh of a new born and season it to perfection. this is only for evil people and its illegal. they don't have a right to, they just don't get caught doing it.
i can't wait until the feast of evil to start in the month of may again.
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When a person's body (usually a woman) is being occupied by the maximum limit of people 3 or more eating her out or fucking her
Oh I just cant wait for tonight's feast 4 all! She is going to be fully loaded
by SmollBLT June 16, 2017
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The a delicious microwaved feast had every Friday. Each feast has a different cuisine or theme for example one Friday could be Mexican and the next could be the color red. But no matter what the theme is, there will always be garlic bread in said feast. Part of the ritual of a Friday Feast is to trash the area in which the feast has been had, and leave as quickly as possible so that no blame can be thrown.
ME: "I can't wait for our Friday Feast tomorrow"
YOU:"Wait you're bringing the garlic bread right?"
by MrNoodle November 18, 2016
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