when people stop smoking cocaine and start smoking coffee.
college is truly the place to be.
by umeskiz March 13, 2007
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1)the long-awaited and much anticipated escape from the everyday life a high school student who wants to start fresh lives.
2)a topic that must be researched profusely to no end only to find biased/useless information on a school that has no appeal at all.
I can NOT wait until I graduate, so I can go to college. If only I knew where I wanted to go...the only thing I can find on the internet is whether a school is known for having hippies or preps...
by this one girl January 19, 2007
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1. Of, relating to, or held to resemble a college.
2. Of, for, or typical of college students.
3. Of, characteristic of, or intended for college students.
This library is so collegic!
by FrindleInventor September 11, 2013
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a place where people with no lives (considered as nerds) go to hang out with other nerds who actually listen to the teacher/professor and try to learn things that they eventually forget when they get out of college and become a burger flipper for the rest of their lives
Hey Scott, what college are you going to when you get out of high school?
by Dick April 30, 2004
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a place where you go to get drunk, have sex, learn, have more sex, drink beer, and get stoned.
by woohoozee February 7, 2010
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(1) a sarcastic name for any sort of intellectual snob, college student, or know-it-all. (2) Can also be a sarcastic retort when someone says something stupid.
person A: "There were a plethora of colors available--"
Person B: "Wait, did you just say plethora?"
Person A (snobby): "Yeah... It IS a word you know..."
Person B (sarcastic voice): "Sure thing, college!"


Person 1: "Dude, I totally just figured out the 'Sixth Sense'! Bruce Willis was dead the whole time!"
Person 2 (sarcastic voice): "Wow... way to go college..."
by Devushka21 October 8, 2008
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