The feeling you get when you think of Caleb McLaughlin. And how successful he has become. Side effects: screaming,crying,a urge to just hug him. A uwu feeling
These tiktoks of Caleb are giving me caleb depression
by Caleb McLaughlin January 2, 2021
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When you go to Hal’s room at 4am and talk about your suicidal thoughts while vaping and looking at squishmallows
Fuck man, I’m feeling so depressed, I better go to Hal’s room and talk about ending my life during depression hour
by Heywattsup April 25, 2022
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A feeling of total dread you get from your mandatory French classes where you are constantly reminded that you have to do this for the next week.
Me: Jeff you okay?
(Jeff is slamming his forehead on the desk)
Jeff: I have French Depression, and we fucking have this class for the whole week!
by LlamaWithAGun April 26, 2019
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When that act of studying sends you into a depressive state. Symptoms include; sudden onset of fatigue, self doubt, lack of confidence, increase or decrease in appetite, irritability and fantasies about academic failure.
Matt: OMG I will never pass this test, I 'm too stupid!

Rachael: You will, you always pass your tests, you douche.

Matt: No I won't. I can't concentrate, I get so tired as soon as I open my book! Tomorrow I'll bomb out. I might as well quit the course now!

Rachael: Don't be a tool! You've got study depression, you'll get over it.
by Blue Nerf February 23, 2016
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The drop in player population in Battlefield most likely due to lack of content, boring same old maps, unbalanced weapons, bugs or repetitive gameplay.
BF fanboy: Ugh, why is BF1 so dead!
Me: It's suffering from The Great Battlefield Depression
by Big Schlong Johnson May 2, 2017
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Depressed inhale means when you want someone to tell you something but they won't do it
You: will you buy me a dog?
You: depressed inhale.
by KaiSenpaii May 10, 2017
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