The moment during a fight when it's obvious that one person is beating the shit out of another person.
After being dropped by a series of vicious strikes, and seeing the fighter in a fetal position, the ref knew the fight had reached its Excremation Point.
by Arnie Grape September 26, 2021
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usually referred to as "Georgia Swant", these are point guards who rarely pass the ball. When they do however it is usually for their own benefit (getting the ball back after a cut or screen)
Did you see that game this weekend?

Yeah they have a major point hog problem, their coach should fix that.
by sweetfarts March 12, 2016
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A point guard who likes to do all the work on the court themselves. They only tend to give the ball to someone else when they are incapable of doing their normal ball-hogging.
Yeah, in that finals game Georgia Swant was being a real point hog.
by sweetfarts March 12, 2016
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An aspect that is stressed when selling a product or service to others.
"This cute guy asked me out, I wasn't gonna go due to Hair Migration, but then he sent a vid of his puppy."
"So... the puppy was the selling point?"
"Yeah. I guess the guy's surplus, but I'm such a sucker for dogs."
by helyllefilten February 17, 2017
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A term used to describe the blank space on a table, where previously a bunch of drugs (more often than not cocaine) used to be. Sudden absence is often caused by sneezing stoners or spastically moving twats.

Derives from the baffled "staring" at said blank spot.
Adam: "I ain't shittin you, that shit of a fuck sneezed like a whale and all the shit went flying through the air. Just that stare point's left."
Bryon: "Shit."
by johnny92 June 22, 2012
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A frendly name for cliterous or a small women peepee
Im rubbing your vag point does it feel good.
by a living terd February 15, 2009
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A method used for first time kissers. 1st Kiss is to see if the person is down. 2nd Kiss is done by the opposite person. 3rd Kiss is for the hell of it.
"My boyfriend kissed me for the first time and we tried the "Three Point Kiss"
by LoveMasterr December 10, 2017
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