When your vehicle wont start usually happens when you are away from home.
Call a friend " hey, can you come get me my truck took a shit on me"
by Chopogringo May 18, 2021
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The state of being intoxicated way past shitty or shit faced. So drunk the house is moving!
Girl 1: Last night was bad for me! I was so drunk the walls were moving!

Girl 2: oh girl, you were shit housed drunk!
by Gunslinger0351 February 4, 2019
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SHIT PHYSICALLY on my FACE but worse how do get to ROLL IT UP, ROLE IT UP , and RULE IT UP.


AARON FIWATSON has the neck tattoo that appears on SWAN SONG one of LED ZEPPELIN record company labels and it is consummated.
ME is a SHIT SMEARER as someone has taken possession of the CURSE PURSE and I met the other day as " he is on a call right now" and for a little he was walking around in circles with the CURSE PURSE , as quite a JIGSAW PUZZLE to try to solve as powerful paradox CIRCULAR REASONING as an IMPASSE for anybody to say the least as well with MORTALITY TABLE CONSTRUCTION not a smooth demographic by no means to RESOLVE anywhere.

I know exactly what to do to go absent at the MANDATORY SEX PARTY and what that is for this MANDATORY SHIT SMEAREE and SHIT SMEARER as releasee those other place garments.

Both AARON ANAL ALAN ELECTRICITY LOTS OF OTHERS and the AMAZON WONDER are the greatest SHIT SMEARER as it is pretty neat when you " GIMME A LITTLE SIGN" , "tell me about your BABY as talking about the PHYSICAL GRAFFITI in the STALLS of RESTROOMS is the toast of the town and the top prize goes to that CARTOON PENIS and second is which in GOOGLE ALPHABET'S EYES is I HATE to tell you as just like ADELSON PICHAI says with the PAGE "WHAT DIFFERENCE DO YOU (SEX ACT) WANT? and furthermore where is that DIZZY GAY person as I have this 45 rpm gift as " HORRAY FOR HAZEL" , " she put me down , she made me a clown. And by the way , on the RIM is that BLOW JOB here on stage because EVERYBODY LOVE'S A CLOWN especially all those PLAYBOYS and PLAYGIRLS.
by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE October 15, 2021
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Slang for words, meaning that's clean or epic.
"Damn that shits 4k!"
by Vulpline February 17, 2022
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The Australian version of Instagram, where you only get bot pages, porn advertisements and animals being mauled to death.
Canadian Guy: "Looks like Instagram is recommending my new band's page to people, nice."
Australian Guy: "Really? All I get are bot promotions and animals being mauled to death."
Canadian Guy: "That's the thing, I'm on Instagram, you're on Shit and Lamb."
by The Moist Critic February 11, 2023
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What cool asians do when they get their *non*swag on while listening to gansta music.
Kristy- "That song is awesome!"
Mark- "I know. The beat is so hot, I was bumping my shit."
by HoneyyMustardd December 27, 2011
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When your dad comes home from a long day of work at Bosch on a Saturday and had a couple beers and wants some of that nice tight hairy asshole that you've been hiding in your pants.
"Son bring over that fuzzy shit munchkin so daddy can have himself a good time." -Dad

"I'm just a kid!!!!" -Son
by BoschDaddy May 4, 2020
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