a word people think is an insult
person 1: hey noob
person 2: you know that isnt an insult
person 1: stfu noob
by noobcool095 March 9, 2020
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Mojangel74 would die instantly and try to carry tha boiis but just doesnt so she is a noob
by ooooooo daddddy May 9, 2018
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a noob is a person who always fail every time at a game. they occasionally get 360 or 720 noscoped by pros and they always complain about people killing them and attempt to report them, but the admins don't take it.
I spot a noob being 720 noscoped by a pro. He went on to report the pro and he got bashed by the administrators.
by The Handle That Is Not Used October 23, 2015
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1)An expression used when getting hit in a *private part* Usually the "noob" is written at the end after the *private part* As shown below

2)When little munchkins have down-syndrom
"You Boobed Me In The Noob"

"You Penised Me In The Noob"

"You Anused Me In The Noob"
by brenxox June 8, 2005
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A noob, is a new player. Not someone who killed your dad
exemple: look at this noob, let's help him.
by TomatoesAreTheBest June 29, 2020
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