when your normal shoes are so fucked up you need to wear different shoes to go on the patio
wau my patio shoes are pretty old i better replace them
by patio_shoes December 7, 2015
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I'm going to shoe bush him if he doesn't shut up.
by ghvbjnkhjbjn April 13, 2021
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Usually worn with pink shoelaces, a polka dot vest and a panama with a purple hat band.
Woman: Man, Dooley is rockin those tan shoes.
by RockLee'syouth January 29, 2021
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It's a term intended to make men insecure, or target a man's insecurities. It has no real meaning, but tends to offend people regardless.
"You seem like the type of person to have a shoe size 4. No offense."
by dumpsterbby November 19, 2021
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shoe flu is a temporary psychological disease when you associate yourself with a particular type of shoe, and getting that pair defines you.
Avril Lavigne had a shoe flu for Converse shoes.
by theGodWithManyWords November 24, 2016
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When a man gets sucked off in a field and jizzes that much that a bit drips out the givers mouth and stains there shoe!
After a night out quick head giving relating in full mouth and leaking into shoe.

Mouth to shoe
by Oooooosh May 18, 2012
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