My baby just got a sugar Brazilian wax. She’s going to be getting. Lot of clam jobs
by Flyboy97222 June 8, 2020
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I just got a clam job, her hands were wet and cold the whole time
by Playful Peach & Sheldon Shrimp January 25, 2022
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The labias of an old woman so spread out they could be confused with a roast beef sandwich. This word could also be applied to a person who has a high body count.
"Bro i just fucked this chick, she had some fucking tangy clam meat down town but i tore that one up anyways!"
by GlizzyL September 29, 2023
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Releasing one's seed within a woman's vaginal canal and proceeding to perform cunnilingus upon the vulva of said woman
Hey baby, mind if I sample the lukewarm clam chowder?
by Willeigh January 28, 2012
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When a body part other than your anus or vagina makes a fart sound. Not to be confused with queef or burp
(noun) Did you hear Brad's belly let out a clam bark when he was doing burpees?
(verb) Ted is really good at clam barking with his armpit.
by SlyFox August 1, 2014
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To open up and wipe your bum by finger power at a sink. Helpful half an hour after a shit when the brownies have crusted. Water is often involved to do-do away the smell and finger-tan. It's also possible to do without a sink and advisable in the absence of toilet paper.
1) Sam wiped his crusting ass for half a roll, but he decided he'd go Clam Poaching afterwards.

2) Jennifer was still saving for a Bidet so after some fierce Clam Poaching she rewarded herself with some snowy Talcum Powder.

3) Inexperienced Clam Poachers upon sitting down often uncover an undiscovered rock-pool. The worst even suffer assisted Mudslide. Correct Swamp Draining technique is actively encouraged to solve this dilemma.

4) What you're going to do after you Rollo and discover Roll-No?
by Okahoa June 2, 2011
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A medical term that means when your doctor is skilled in the art of surgery. You are lucky he said that.
Before my operation my doctor told me "don't worry i shuck the clams often"
by Kkllpony February 21, 2017
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