When semen drips out of a woman's vagina after being plowed by gentleman.
After ejaculating, Henry noticed the clam soup oozing from his partners meat box.
by SWOLLEN THOUGHTS August 21, 2017
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When your vagina knows before your head or heart does that a particular lover is not for you, and refuses to have an orgasm.
I went to Thailand with my yoga teacher expecting fireworks, and had the biggest dead clam of my life. Worst. Ever.
by PDXMike March 6, 2016
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Eating pussy during the menstruation cycle after being filled with ejaculate
Cameron ate that girls menstrual clam chowder after she came home
by Bignz December 10, 2021
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A rather hairy females vagina.

One that resembles Sherwood Forest where Robin Hood and his merry men use to hang out.
Mick ' Hey Dave, I heard Emma had a nice shaved pussy'?

Dave, ' Man, no way she has a sherwood clam''
by SimUK September 13, 2010
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A vagina that has not been pet,touched or penetrated by fingers or a penis fake or real.
That chick is always angry she must have a bad case of the grumpy clam.
by Moper69 December 17, 2016
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Similar to the popular "prairie dogging", but referring to a female holding in urine, while urgently seeking a nearby restroom.
Quick Liza, stop the car! I'm clam dogging over here!!
by NewsCan123456 August 28, 2017
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Clam shiner means dickhead. It is a term you can use in public without offending those around you. Clam is slang for vagina. The penis head is "the shiner" when used the stimulate the woman during sex. Hence the term "clam shiner" in place of dickhead.
Why must you always be such a clam shiner around my friends?
by Abberdabber February 20, 2016
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