Phenomenon that occurs when hand greeting gestures are incompatible. Usually results when someone shouts "nub it!" during those few seconds of awkawardness, thus resolving the situation.

Performed by pounding the outside of your wrists together.
I went for the handshake, but he was going for the fist pound, so i shouted "nub it!" and the crisis was resolved.
by dindak August 19, 2008
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A general expression to communicate something is sub par.

Nubs = lame, boring, gay, cheap, sub par, poor
"That burger I just had was nubs"

"Your so nubs bro"
by Nubberson November 13, 2009
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The outline of a man's genitalia often seen due either to the owner of said nub's shorts being too tight or an awkward arrangement having been made of the shaft and/or sac. Common signs of a Nub are when you see what looks as though it is a miniature erection. This is not to be mistaken with an actual erection because in no way is the owner of the nub aroused, often times he is more embarrassed for his poor choice in shorts or placement of shaft. There currently is no known cure for chronic nub syndrome other than to invest in new clothes, start a new habit of placement, or to find friends who enjoy such sights.
-Cross Country Team Practice With Short shorts-

The Coach- "Alright boys sweats off, go run 10miles"

Runner- *taking off his sweats to reveal his new pair of shorts* "alright coach, lets do this!"

Team Member- *noticing his nub immediately* "no way your going out there like that! Your packing the biggest nub ive seen in years!"

Coach- "It's called self-respect! Put your sweats back on, your off the team! No one wants to see that shit."
by Chaboooy February 10, 2014
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When someone is acting stupid, and or retarded and won't stop. Getting on someone's nerves for acting like a child, or just trying to be annoying, and will not act serious
Austin is acting like such a nub, because he drank to much tonight
by nubbin6969 April 29, 2011
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another word for newbie used by skilled people who play counter-strike
by turbo juice May 19, 2003
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Military (particularly US Navy) acronymn for Non-Useful Body.
Don't trust Petty Officer Butler. He's a complete NUB.
by AlexD13 April 15, 2007
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1. the point, gist, or heart of something.
2. a knob or protuberance.
3. a lump or small piece: a nub of coal; a nub of pencil.
4. a noob
And that's the nub of the story.

You're such a nub.
by KoditheTyphlosion July 17, 2011
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