If she won't bathe I won't be visiting her downstairs mixer.
by noy thettis February 16, 2014
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the gathering of those who have contracted H1N1 with those who have not yet contracted H1N1 in hopes of getting the mild strain to prevent future infection of a more serious strain.
" Yo man i haven't had the swine yet but i kinda want to get it over wit. Wanna go to Dave's swine mixer he's havin' next week?"
by Intelichick November 18, 2009
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When an individual, who, already in possession of a single phallus, be it real or artificial, dons a second phallus in order to have penetrative sex with both phalli at the same time.
Baby, fancy a Double-Mixer? I've got a strap on! (to be pronounced in a sing-song voice)

Hey ladies, fancy a Double-Mixer? I've got a strap on! (to be pronounced in a sing-song voice)
by Bigsby Hornsworth June 14, 2010
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A Gay Pride fund-raising party or charity gala, where donations typically derive from wealthy, older gay men who attend in order to prey on the younger, poorer ones.

Only superficially resembling a party, these events tend more to emphasize social networking and jockeying for position within the local community. As the term implies, these events are often given over-the-top sexualized themes, if only to attract many attendees while simultaneously distracting them from the fact that there's no actual partying or sex going on.

The opposite of a semen mixer is a bachanal.
That party we'd heard about turned out to just be a semen mixer. It was like a box social from the 1930's combined with a women's sewing circle. We just left early and rented a movie instead.
by Limbo Fox August 7, 2011
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Neil Mixer likes boobs, Long walks on the beach and chasing after people's trucks when they are trying to drive away from him. his main catch phrase is "HI IM NEIL"
person one : Dude look at that bitches tittays
person two: Don't be such a Neil mixer
by queenoffarts November 2, 2014
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Sam: I'm stressed what do I do?

Tim: just chuck a mixer you'll be fine.
by Xx97xX May 2, 2017
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