the fear that men will treat YOU the way you treat women
jared has homophobia
by OvaryConsumer9000 October 24, 2020
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Not actually a fear despite its name.

It's really just people being a-holes who can't stand people who are different than them.

Something that only occurs in one species, while the thing homophobes are 'afraid' of is common in 4,000 species.
Bob: I went and asked Jacob out.
Sara: Really!? What did he say?
Bob: ...He said- fuck off... you fucking f*g.
Sara: Goddamn homophobia! -I'm sorry Bob.
by A_Gen_Z_FanFic_Writer September 24, 2022
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Fear of faggots
“Oh my god is that a gay person? Dad can we go home I’m scared

“Sounds like homophobia to me”
by Pigeons large d-ck March 16, 2021
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The fear or dislike of gay men uswly homophobes throw around slurs like "faggot" and use the phrase "that's gay"
Shawn You're a faggot

Joe Really get over your homophobia give me one kiss

Shawn Stop that's gay

Joe I don't like your homophobia

Shawn Everyone is faggots these days getting married it's gay

Joe Stupid homophobic dickhead
by Boogereater69 December 6, 2020
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Fear/prejudice against homosexual people, aka little dick energy.
Idiot: I’m homophobic asf haha. Fuck gay ppl.
Intellectual: Um...don’t be proud of your homophobia. Why do you have such a problem with that guy dating another guy? Because he’s getting dick and you’re not? Gay ass.

(stolen quote btw)
by TortillaHop March 3, 2021
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