92 definitions by Boogereater69

The way to call someone a faggot without any reprocussions
Sean Hey you're a f*ggot

Dave Hey don't say that word say fayget
by Boogereater69 February 25, 2021
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A club founded by a fuckface cocksucking faggot named McKay Hatch and faggots all over the world started to join this retarded club
Person 1 I'm a member of the no cussing club

Person 2 Fuck you faggot
by Boogereater69 May 16, 2022
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Pretty bad because you're making fun of someone for being different and you just look stupid
Sean Hey what are you doing

Joe I'm gay did you know that

Sean Ok you faggot

Joe Stop the homophobic bullying
by Boogereater69 January 24, 2021
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