Where penis or/and testicles are runover by the wheel of a vehicle.
person 1 : I will give you a roadside circumcision
Person 2 : are you threatening me
Person 1: yes
by Barberella September 1, 2020
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Where penis or/and testicles are runover by the wheel of a vehicle.
Doctor: why are you in hospital?
Pacent: my balls where crushed under a car
Doctor: Okay that called a roadside circumcision
by Barberella September 1, 2020
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A short man who circumcised his penis at the age of 18. He sells children to the FBI in exchange for movie tickets. His daughter is a naughty whore who eats frogs and rabbits every day.

He has a theme song that goes:

My name is Circumcised Dan and I live alone, I still like to bone and moan alone.
I’m feeling shitty today, I’m feeling Circumcised DAN.
by Littleweiny22 August 26, 2023
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At the passing of 3 months (quarter year) you must have a fresh circumcision to be rid of your regenerating foreskin.
by December 9, 2020
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He couldn't decide between the turtleneck and the tank top. So he went for the Mediterranean circumcision.
by Mr.IBIP April 29, 2022
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When a male puts his in penis in his sisters/family members mouth and they bite down, successfully removing the foreskin. It often gets confused with a hillbilly circumcision. The difference is the hick circumcision exclusively takes place in the parking lot of a Roy Rogers.
Did you guys see that hick circumcision happen in the parking lot yesterday
by El mucho ding dong May 7, 2022
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Self mutilation causing obsession greed and disloyal obsession with the penis and dissatisfaction in the self
The doctors are obsessed with bugged schizophrenia and my hooded penis because 5 fiance's died and I masturbate their obsessed with circumcision
by Cody5050 January 27, 2022
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