The art of having a girl who dips choke on you meaty cock and spits in your mouth
Sally gave me a reverse car-wash last night.
by CockBLock900 September 8, 2016
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Sex act in which a pre-op male to female transexual pees in the partners butt.
I can't believe George only paid 15 bucks for a New Orleans Car Wash.
by CSG Spender November 3, 2023
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similar to playing footsies, one person rubs their sock clad feet vigorously against another person's bare feet creating a warm sensation, usually whorishly
are you giving me a polish car wash under the table dude?
by sleepysleepysleepy July 12, 2017
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When a girl is in a sexual position on top and has long enough breasts to continuously strike the face of the individual underneath, resembling a car wash.
Last night Jack got a black eye from a girl he smashed with car wash titties.
by Texmex12345 August 28, 2023
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When you realize that you did not wipe so great last time you used the bathroom and you have itchy ass syndrome. And since you are at work you give it a courtesy wipe to relieve some of the damage until you can take a shower.
Hey man why are you walking funny?

Oh yeah sorry, my ass is a little itchy. I’ll be right back I’m gunna do the old 3$ car wash.

This is why she left you bro
by Lil dewdrop June 11, 2023
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