The act of taking a spoon and smacking a person you'd prefer not be in acquaintances with.
Lynn: Hey Stupid Nobody
Me: Ew I don't like you *begins spooning Lynn*
by ocb2000 December 12, 2014
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the acr of an individual stabbing another with a spoon.
he kept spooning me in the chest.
by anonimouze May 18, 2009
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The art of strategically balancing one or more spoons on the tip of your nose or your face. Ultimately, it is a spoon balancing act.
"Lets do some spooning!"


*balances spoon on nose*

by iknowweknowUNO October 31, 2011
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When having sex, a woman puts her back to a mans chest and they have sex like that...still up the pussy
by Anonymous May 24, 2003
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There are two definitions of spooning.
1. Basically when a guy and a girl cuddle and the guy leans up against the girl’s back like a spoon.
2. Another term for anal, which is a kind of sex that can only be described as a guy sticking his dick in a girl’s butt.
I think she’s my perfect spooning size.
by 1251strokes February 18, 2018
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