worse than ur granny tranny and cannot be reverses by no u. deadly weapon.
Joe: ur mom gay
Dan: no u
Joe: ur granpappy got slappy
Dan: *dissolves*
by alien_god March 16, 2018
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To be performed with the girl you love or any girl you see walking down the street. Performed in four steps as follows. 1. Slap her across the face 2. Shit your pants immediately 3. Reach around her and jab her in the left butt cheek with an epi pen 4. Let the magic happen (the magic meaning whatever the fuck happens after these lovely acts have been performed)
“Hey Connor how was your weekend?”
“I gave my girl a slappy crappy no-nappy
“I want to be just like you when I grow up!”
by Captainprice141 March 11, 2023
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The act of a female engaging in self-gratification
"Oh my God, all I could hear last night was Hannah next door playing the slappy drums watching a Chaning Tatum movie."
by Whatonearthdoesthefoxsay November 15, 2013
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a disgusting little bint who wants hand marks up her arse like the little disgusting fuck she is
"oi youre a slappy whore"
"cheers mate"
by anticyvonne October 4, 2023
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1 - mentally slow

2- Consuming so much alcohol (and / or) drugs that your IQ drops at least 60 points.
Dude - Did you hear that kid? What the fuck was he talking about?

Chick - OMG, I have no idea. His breath smells like dogshit though. Is he fucking retarded or what?

Dude - Nah, he's just slappy mappy.
by IRON SAVAGE December 5, 2011
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When u fuck ur girl so hard se shits in her ass and den u take salt and put it in her buttox
I want you to slopy slappy butixcake
by Hans gutenhagen May 27, 2019
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Overly obsessed with bootie that you're on a continuous rampage and can't stop. Mostly a joke I made up about the infamous rapper 69.
"6ix9ine is on a slappy de spanky spree"
"I lost it and now I'm on a slappy de spanky spree"
by Skilastic April 2, 2022
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