someone extremely hot others fantasize about daily.
by bobobee6969 August 25, 2010
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Noun- To be a Martine you must be absolutely Shmexay, number-one hottie of your school, help the compaign of bringing sexy back, sexy, beautiful, funny, hot, scorching, and of course be modest, the total opposite of being autumn
Autmn: Rarrr (schmexily) that girl over there is so sexy

Nick: I know she is so Martine
by Insane Waffle December 4, 2006
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Someone you can't help but fall in love with. Once you meet a Martins your heart belongs to him. He's shy but so friendly. He brightens up you cloudy day and brings colour into your black and white world. He makes the best meals. He makes you feel special and cared for. Always asking if you're ok. The only way he breaks your heart is because he's got a girlfriend and you can't have him. He's such a loyal boyfriend. Loves to kiss and cuddle. He is so HOT! He is musically inclined and loves music. He can sometimes be lazy, but he still does what he needs to do. He has the most beautiful smile that can make anyones heart melt. He observes everything but says nothing. He sees the good in everybody even when it’s not convenient.
Martins made everyone so happy with his presence.
by Theslimmone February 4, 2020
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He was running from the police so they had to Martinize him.
by H. Yellow July 20, 2013
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When a guy is using both hands to hold on to a shed's rafters and his legs are resting on a females shoulders while receiving a roughly given supertrooper blowjob.
Kim can't sing the National Anthem at the game Friday because she got martined last night and cant even talk.
by db1212 February 25, 2015
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A wonderful girl who has an amazing personality.
Someone who is nice to everyone and likes to share.
Someone who looks for the good in people.
Conor: Did you see that girl Dan? She's a real Martine.
by Martineasaurus June 7, 2009
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Someone who thinks they know it all and generally does, proving their friends wrong a LOT!
Oh I thought I was gonna give birth to a girl but my friend said it would be a boy and he was right. He's such a Martin!
by BigMart January 3, 2007
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