A book/film series published by British author J.K Rowling and directed by David Yates, often flamed by illiterate bastards and tween fangirls that enjoy Twilight, although it is more well-written, neatly punctuated, and has a better storyline than Twilight.
Tween: OMG TWILIGHT ROX!!!!!!!!!!111!11ONE HARRY POTTER SUX!!!!!!!!!!111

Harry Potter fan: Lovely.
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A well-written series of books that may seem childish, but gets quite dark in the later novels. Some of them can be very long books, but are very interesting. Coincidentally, one could replace the word "Penis" with a word in the title and it would make sense.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Penis
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Penis
Harry Potter and the Penis of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Penis
Harry Potter and the Order of the Penis
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Penis
Harry Potter and the Deathly Penis
by RampagingAcorn July 25, 2010
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2. if there is one boy in the world that you would want to fall in love with, that'd be Harry Potter.
3. Great books, Terrible movies (so far).
loser- "Harry Potter is soooo gay."
me- "dude, is that maskara on ur eyelashes?"
by Neusha February 25, 2009
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Harry Potter is a book for all ages. It merges real life, with fantasy. Each book as all the good characteristics that make up a story. Some can't get into it, and that's understandable. Not everyone likes books that have to do with wizards,witch's,giants and many,many other creatures, including giant spiders and trolls.

Many people also don't like the simplicity of the first 2 books. Well, let me tell you the books grew with the readers. By the time you get to the 7th book a complicated plot with a mixture of characters, and characters intentions and personality's are revealed. It creates a world where every character has there own thought's and actions. The characters aren't flat, many are rounded out by the 7th book. Sure it takes 7 books, but we only get the information Harry gets, so we only find things out when he finds them out.

Over all it is a series that is "real". Many books I've read, have certain characters that are brought out, but many are ignored, and the other character's are ignored. J.K Rowling new what part each character was going to play when she wrote it, so each character was made and there line developed so foreshadowing for characters is in each book, even if you don't realize it till the event happens.

Not to be compared with LOTR or Eragon
LOTR:Quest to destroy a magic and evil ring, world, characters and setting are original, and is a category on it's own

Eragon:A Boy Who finds a Dragon Egg, one of the last, and because of that the King want's him killed. Set in a distant land with some magical creatures. original to say the least (Very interesting, also, lots of plot twists)

Harry Potter: About a boy who survived a all power full killing curse, cased by the most powerful dark wizard of all time. The series outlines his quest to stay alive while the powerful dark lord is trying to return to a body to finish him off for good, and take over Britain. Also, a tale of how to survive school. You follow the story by watching Harry, the boy who lived. Sounds bad, but in reality is a original work, that is ingenious
by Fantasy Book Lover July 3, 2010
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To try and commit suicide, but it failing.
Like in the last HP when Harry gets hit with the killing curse AGAIN but doesn't die. (WHY WON'T HE DIE?!?!) Lol
Depressed Emo:"Holy shit! If I have another day like this I might just go do a Harry Potter!"

Random: Dude you suck.
by DressedLikeViolence August 22, 2008
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A book series written by J.K. Rowling. Though often compared to other works, like Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter has a different feel and message. Those of us who grew up with the series will have felt, albeit unconsciously, how the story and characters realistically evolve with time, with the theme, mood, and characters growing more mature with every novel, essentially getting older WITH the reader. Its subtle messages about the importance of love, the unimportance of death, and the similarities between good and evil are often missed by even devout readers, but have no less an impact.
Harry Potter is a success due to J.K. Rowling's skill as a novelist. On the other hand, Twilight's success mainly comes from indulging it's primarily female audience's desire to be ravaged by a big, strong, powerful man. This may sound sexist, but some women do feel this way, however since the rise of feminism society generally frowns upon women expressing such feelings. As such, authors are generally discouraged from doing this. This created a need in the market that unfortunately Stephanie Myer realized she could fill. Though she could be complimented for being a skilled economist (or for just being lucky) she should not, and hopefully will NEVER be acknowledged as a good, or even as a mediocre, writer.
by Jus Sum Dude July 31, 2011
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"I saw a mouse in my bed; I won't risk sleeping in it. I'll go Harry Potter with Nora."
by TheChosenOne613 August 23, 2007
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