Dev(s) are very genuine and naughty people with very kind heart and a success loving person . A person very confident at everything he does and has the ability to get things done in his way anyway. If ever he fall in love he will make it their life and care for you like anything . You better not mess with anybody he loves, or he will make you post for it. you can never get bored with dev and it is fun to hangout with him . He is the worst person to make enemy and the best person to make friend as he will do anything for his true friends . He is also extremely disciplined with his work . A person with a true heart and a dirty mind .
If I ever love someone, he will always be dev.

Everyone needs a dev in their life.
by callmeartist November 24, 2021
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Slang for vape or e-cigarette, so you don't have to say Vape. Hong Kong/British Slang
Mate past the dev yeah
by Mutt_1234 February 21, 2022
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Dev is generally a really nice guy. People with this name are extremely attractive. They’re cool, funny, smart, highly active, caring & outgoing. They’ll tell you the truth on your face & shows you loyalty. If you break their trust, they get aggressive… so don’t mess around with them. He is a great friend, a great lover & if you having a bad day, he is sure to make you smile & forget the negatives.
Friend 1 - I was feeling so upset today, until Dev made me laugh

Friend 2 - Dev, I need one of them in my life.
by YourBaddieMyZaddy November 23, 2021
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An Xbox group which originated from the game "Black Ops 3" but has dominated many games since it's creation in 2014. They especially dominate the game mode "Search and Destroy" and have gained over 1000 members from playing.
"Wow, they're so good as this game! They must be a member of DEVS."

" who Faze? DEVS could beat them anyway!"
by DEVSSQUAD February 22, 2017
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Hot and sexy and nice and popular and cool
Dev is the best and your supreme lord
by tgruoewuiseryi May 3, 2021
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A term generally used for someone being over dramatic and slightly gay.
Stop being a dev
by Stop being a dev March 11, 2020
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Dev is good
Dev is funny
Dev is the epitome of sexiness

People intentionally hate on him 'cause he's so insanely attractive!
Dev is always so funny!
I love being around him.
by TheGuyWhoIsProbablyAnIdiot December 3, 2021
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