A 1-star hygiene rated dosser land. Full of 14 year olds with children and a packet of fake Richmond ciggarettes to “save eachother half” on.
“There’s the state on the Burger King Darlington dossers
by Idontgiveafuckwhatabitchsay October 22, 2019
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The name of my firstborn child
Person 1: Hey have you tried that new burger?
Person 2: Of course! I had to get a taste of Burger King Berger 🥴
by F-boy October 11, 2022
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A much better place than mcdonalds
Person:Man Im hungry wanna go to mcdonalds?
Person2: Fuck no lets go to burger king
by TheNotSoFunnyPerson May 20, 2021
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A place where all the fat people go to get more fat. They also go there to eat the chemical filled burnt burgers.
You: Let's go to Burger King!
Friend: No f-ing way do you not see I'm trying to lose weight? Let's go to Taco Bell instead.
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place where u can order whopper and not big mac
burger king
by someone else thats not u fan October 9, 2021
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