When you’re with your bois and someone got a boner and you punch that shit and it go limp like the twin tower collapsing
LMAO he just got the 9/11
by Mattortega11 October 4, 2019
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Deviant Sexual Manoeuvre #12

This requires some help. Blindfold your girl and do her from behind. While she is in the middle of a moan your two friends come out of nowhere and jam their dicks in her mouth and proceed to face fuck her to climax.
"Last night I gave her the old '9/11'
by Devian SExual Manoeuvre! March 1, 2005
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Plane crashes kills 6000 people and american go cry cry
9/11. IS SOO SAD
no it isnt
it really not

only 6000
covid killed 2 million and wars kill more people
yeah and my Great grandpa killed hitler
BUT- wait what
yeah i know i am part of hitler
well. 9/11 IS STILL SADDER

*slaps* NO
by YAY_fucktheinternet January 29, 2021
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When George Bush was plotting the attack of 9-11 he did not expect it to become the best holiday.
*September 11th*
Person 1: I love working in the tilted towers
Person 2: hehehehaw imma blow this bitch up
George Bush: nuh uh not yet we have to wait for everyone to go to the top floor of the tilted towers
Person 2: ok yea but kys i want to do it now pretty please
George Bush: nuh uh
Person 2: fine
*5 hours later*
Person 2 & 3: ALLAHU AKBHAR!!!!
*Twin towers explode*
Person 1: Imma jump off the towers family bye
Person 1 family: yay finally dad is gone
George Bush: now i must start a war with Afghanistan or somethin
*Kills binlanden*
Person 4: I love 9-11 it is the best holiday
by Nigger1912039121 July 26, 2023
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When your boyfriend secretly masturbates and just before ejaculating, grabs their partner’s face and yells “HERE COMES THE AIRPLANE!” and cums in their mouth.
I can’t believe my boyfriend 9/11’d me last night”

“I just gave my girlfriend the 9/11 last night”
by FrogDawg June 25, 2023
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The 9/11 is a sexual technique performed by 2 men and a woman. The men have to lie down with their penises relatively close to one another so they resemble two towers. Then the woman has to "slam" the towers by inserting them in the vagina and anus or mouth one after the other.
Dude, the 9/11 we pulled last night was so dope. No homo though
by Volteh August 19, 2017
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while playing battlefield 3 when playing online to fly a jet in to the objective to kill/destroy the other team and/or by accident cause the jets are fucking hard to fly
guy1-fuck we can't make up the hill they are dug in deep
asshole pilot-fuck it i will just 9-11 the objective
guy1-really !?!?
asshole pilot-shi...(hes dead)
by doctimus prime October 30, 2011
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