a childish idiotic noise "waah" made by a nerd or geek or freak to make themselves seem cool. it is just a stupid noise that annoysing someone, and tends to be used to by freaks, geeks and nerds when they are upset. tends to be used to the age group of 13-23 by people called damien
"waah, my internet is only going at 192kbps, when it normally does well over 200kbps" or "waah i can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend" or "waah! i hurt my self when using a butchers knife to cut myself"
by HAPPY December 8, 2003
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A Shorter, Easier way of saying 'Don't Cry about it'.
Steve "Why didn't you turn left there it would have been so much quicker?"

Joe "Waah mate fucking waah"

Steve "fuck off!"
by b3no August 20, 2009
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Directed at anyone who complains about anything.Originated on Howard Stern where Artie would say "Wah" in response to the most heartbreaking stories.
Man #1: I was raped and then lost my house because I couldn't work.
Man#2: Wah!
by FrankinQueens June 22, 2005
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Wah is used when something inconvenient occurs.
The dog ripped my cardigan. Waah😩
by Waah gorl June 4, 2021
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Originated in Baton Rouge. A way to greet another. Substitutes words like hello, howdy, and wad up.
Waah! Dis ya boi Platnum D on 94.9 tha Underground
by Dev-D January 19, 2005
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The act of creating a website or Facebook page for the specific purpose of complaining.
"Many people who attended were disappointed , by the afternoon a waah waah page called 'I hate this event' had attracted hundreds of likes"
by TorBloke February 1, 2016
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Meaning similar to "Hell YEA!" or used to express that something is legit or awesome.
Guy 1: "Holy shit dude!! I just did three backflips in a row!!!"

Guy 2: "Waah!"
by King of Street Knowledge February 13, 2011
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