Austin: Ur mom gay lol.
Justin: Hey Austin, Ur mom Bigg Gay.
Austin: No U
Justin: Ur mom big gay 3x
Austin: What?
Justin: Ur mom gayzilla
*Austin shoots up the school and dies*
by HackerMan2003 April 5, 2018
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One of the ultimate insults, can be reverted by the almighty "No u".
James: hey Alex ur mom gay
Alex: No u
James: *dies*
by Communist Fish December 11, 2020
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Please dont use this on someone
Billy : Ur mom gay
You : Ur dad lesbian
*Billy Dies*
*Billys brother is mocking your family*
You : Ur family transgender
*He gets burned and becomes ashes*
*Billys father is mocking your country*
You : Ur country bisexual
*WW3 starts*

Please dont use this if you dont want WW3 to happen.
by Ur planet pedophile March 11, 2018
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Ur mom gay is the most devastating insult.if someone says this to you,you might as well jump off a bridge
by r a i n April 8, 2018
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This word was used to defeat Hitler and end slavery for the well being of earth.
Billy: "Tom your a faggot"
Tom: "no u"
Billy: "ur daddy lesbian"
Tom: "your mom gay"
*Billy's family suddenly dies and he has an instant stroke and fucking dies*
by That loki main June 10, 2018
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The first level of ur mom gay insults.

ur mom gay
ur dad lesbian
ur sisters a mister
ur brothers actually ur mother
ur granny tranny
ur granpap a trap
ur crematorium a sematorium
ur ancestors incestors
ur family tree LGBT
george: ur mom gay
joe: ur dad lesbian
and so on and so forth lmao i aint gonna write that all over again.
by stopit_getsomehelp May 8, 2018
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ur mom gay: A term originating all the way back to the prehistoric times. It’s an ancient relic that translates to “I don’t like you”. This phrase takes your dislike for someone to the next level.
Alfredo: Your hair looks dumb, kid.
Me: Hey Alfredo, ur mom gay.
by Jeremiah Wildson February 4, 2018
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