A list made by the government that you get put on to keep those damn telemarketing companies from harrassing the shit out of you. one of the best ideas (if not the ONLY one) that this government has come up with lately.
The Do Not Call List is every telemarketer's nightmare.
by Laird December 9, 2003
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When you get the great idea to start making ToDo lists at work, of which's items only a fraction get done. As the list grows after a few days, weeks, whatever, you begin to realize you've made a huge list of things you intended to do but never got done.
Every morning at work, I add more things I should do to my didn't do list, then go on an hour and a half coffee break to flirt with the girl downstairs and otherwise waste company time.
by Turd__Ferguson September 19, 2015
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One of the better things Bush has done during his administration. And don't give me that "freedom of speech" bullshit you pansy-licking cock-suckers. The whole reason why it was enacted is because telemarketers are too fucking stupid to understand the basic concept of that if I want something, I'll simply go out and buy it myself, and I don't need you overweight highschool dropout slimeballs ringing me eleven times a day to sell me piano lessons for my children or health insurance courtesy of transmarketglobalmegacorporationsIncorporated.
Thank you, President Bush, for helping me get rid of these inane asshats who don't realize that I don't have the money to buy their stupid shit or give to their retarded political causes.
by C-can January 18, 2004
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the list most telemarketers call when they are bored
telemarketer 1: dood, i'm fucking bored

telemarketer 2: me too...oh i know, lets call that 'do not call list' and fuck w/ the idiots on it!
by paul December 29, 2004
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A freaking waste of time. Some broad got the brilliant idea once to get her husband to ruin his whole weekend by giving him a list of tasks to complete on his days off, or else he wouldn't get sex. Now, it is the bane of the existence of real men from coast to coast.
No, dude, I can't go out and hang with you and the fellas all day on the boat fishing, drinking and enjoying my Saturday. I have a honey do list that's a mile long. Yeah, I know it sucks.
by bitter? no. really. August 9, 2011
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A list of household chores or home improvement tasks from a mother to her son. Similar to a honey do lists.
My dad picked up his honey do list from the kitchen table and got to work. I picked up my sonny do list from the kitchen table and got to work, too.
by William Juntunen July 2, 2004
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A concise list of porn topics/genres etc. that you make to jerk off to later, perhaps to challenge yourself or to make yourself feel productive.

The list can be created using fap roulette cards found online, or just with topics that the creator prefers or wants to fap to.
Fap To Do List:

1. JAV
2. Jennifer Lawrence
3. MILFs
4. Your crushes FaceBook bikini pics
5. The prophet Muhammed
by InstantB March 6, 2016
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