An English bloke with a shaved head that wears jeans and shirts all day everyday. Has a good old piss up down the local pub, has a kebab or curry, then goes home. Works in manual labour job, builder, scaffolding, plumber and is generally a good bloke, as long as you support his football team.
Geezer 1: wanna go down pub?

Geezer 2: no mate gonna go down the chippy first.

Geezer 1: fuckin sorted mate.
by Shrike93 June 11, 2010
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The word given to a cockney male (East Londoner). A typical geezer is a man who dabbles in a bit of illegit business. Also with possible links to organised crime. Generally of white skin colour. Most likely place to see them is at a pub talking business with other geezers, they love a pint.
by JayeSBeCockney March 13, 2011
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slang for any "salt of the earth" type bloke you might meet in the street.
Geezer! Geezer! Mines a kebab.
by mook December 3, 2002
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Old People, usually drive extremely slow.
Walk into a Nursing Home and you get thrusted upon geezers
by cat g October 14, 2007
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