Wank Time”
Joe that’s too much information
“Joe you are the definition of TMI”
by Val1234 February 17, 2021
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Someone gets little bit too much into something and you say can say TMI.
Someone says you should read TMI.
by Littlle potato November 24, 2018
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1) Three Mile Island, a nuclear power plant near Harrisburg, PA that leaked radiation in 1979 one time but is still operational.

2) Too Much Information
Tex: "So how's that job at TMI going?"
Billy Bob: "Pretty good, at least since that accident way back when which made me grow a third ear on my ass."
Tex: "Damn dogg, TMI!"
by Nick D February 1, 2004
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TMI: Too much information. I used to say don't go there but that's just lame.
Dwight: "Mine are at home in a display case above my bed."
Michael: "Yeegghhhh. TMI. TMI, my friend."
by word is bond December 6, 2006
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do yo dumb ass really need an exampe for TMI…
by boiwhatdahell July 16, 2021
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An acronym used as a “time out” or “let’s change the subject” protest on Instant Messenger. Stands for TOO MUCH INFORMATION, indicating that the speaker feels personally violated by his chat buddy’s latest message, probably because it contains details that are either too personal (i.e.: sexual, medically-private, describing one’s deeply-rooted fantasy, etc.) or are of the type that would likely turn one’s stomach, being revolting, gory, or otherwise overly graphic.
Online guy #1: I felt sick yesterday after a “hot’n’heavy” session with my plump new co-worker, so I had to have my stomach pumped, and the contents examined. There were some residues of lipstick, but at least there were no weevils.
Online guy #2: Uhhhhggggghhh… TMI, dude…
by QuacksO November 12, 2011
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I thought I was hung, but according to my TMI, I have a micropenis.
by butters_sp May 22, 2011
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